Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Don't judge too quickly

‘Don’t judge too quickly,’ that is the main message that Ameriquest Mortgage, an insurance company, conveys. Their commercials make innocent actions, like preparing a romantic dinner, look like badass ones. Creating hilarious situations.
We chose to show you the funniest 4.

Starting off with a dad who drives his daughter and some girlfriends to a concert. On their way the daughter asks her dad to pull over, so she can go and buy some gum. Her father calls her back while she left the car and gives her some money. At that moment the police comes driving by and turns it into an awkward situation.. 

Oops, haha. 

Have you ever flown during nighttime? Well this woman has. While everyone is sleeping, she needs to go to the bathroom. When she tries, she gets stuck, turbulence occurs, she falls over and it looks like she is doing freaky stuff to a man.. 

That must be embarrassing..

Another embarrassing, almost stupid, situation occurs when a mother is visiting her husband with her daughter in the hospital. While the doctor is mumbling that the man should be able to go home tommorrow, the assistant tries to kill a fly. 'That killed him,' is the first thing the mother and daughter hear when arriving.. 

We guess that guy is sweeping floors now ;)

Another guy that might end up even worse, is the guy in the last commercial. A man who tries to prepare a romantic dinner for his girlfriend messes up completely. While preparing dinner, the girls' white cat knocks over the pan with red sauce (which looks like blood). The sauce spills over the floor and the cat jumps in it. The man picks up the cat, while he's holding a knife, at that moment the girlfriend comes home.. 

Whoops, that relationship probably didn't last.

Besides the fact that these commercials make you laugh out loud, they also learn us a lesson. We should try to avoid judging too fast. Often there is a simple explanation for a crazy situation. 

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