Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Even Apeldoorn Bellen..

The sentence “Even Apeldoorn Bellen” has become a phenomenon in the Dutch culture. The commercials, by Centraal Beheer Achmea, are comparable to the ‘Don’t judge to quickly’ ads by Ameriquest: someone ending up in a really awkward situation. It’s been a while since the last ‘Even Apeldoorn bellen’ has aired, so we were very curious about the new one. And once again, it’s just plain brilliant.
This time it’s about two guys taking their classic American car to a car show, and their car might get a little more attention than they expected..

Okay, so you know from the beginning something is bound to go wrong. Still you wonder what will go wrong, until the moment you see this huge truck, about to crash the guys’ car. 
Of course, Centraal Beheer has done better. But it has had such fantastic ads, it’s impossible to keep outdoing yourself. What is very strong about this ad is the small jokes throughout: the (attempt to) flirt, the almost-fight with the other driver, the lowering of the car while parking, the billboard with the text ‘When it’s not Bob’s it ain’t a Wiener’..

These jokes make the stereotypical American car show much more comical. They enhance the story and are less predictable then the final crux of the ad. And while the previous ads soon got boring, this one gets more funny after seeing it a few times. You keep discovering other funny details, so our suggestion: watch it again!

Did you know that this is the 52d edition of the Even Apeldoorn Bellen campaign? Click here to watch the very first edition: Caravan

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